School field trips to Terezín

Principles for obtaining financial support from the Terezín Initiative

Dear friends,
We would like to invite you to visit Terezín, which is a permanent reminder of the cruel fate of the prisoners and Jewish victims of the Holocaust. We hope that this visit will lead participants to reflect more deeply on the ever-present issues of extremism, racism and national and religious intolerance. 

(We recommend that pupils and students be familiarized with the issue of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" in advance, preferably through prior reading and interpretation.)

The Terezín Initiative, as an organization that brings together former Jewish prisoners of Terezín and other ghettos and concentration camps and their direct descendants, is interested in ensuring that young people in particular are exposed to a truthful view of Jewish history and the extermination of Jews during World War II. Therefore, we provide donations to finance trips for school groups attending one of the educational seminars organized by the Terezín Memorial.

For more information and to book a date, please contact Education Department of the Terezín Memorial.

School visits to Terezín are recommended from the 7th grade of primary school upwards. Two- and multi-day trips will be approved for 8th and 9th grade elementary school and high school students. 

The invoice will be issued by the school and with the confirmation of the Terezín Memorial of completing the program and with copies of receipts sent to:
RNDr. M. Vidláková, Chair of the Education Committee
Terezínská iniciativa, Maiselova 18, 110 00 Praha 1.

